
Friday, May 22, 2009

Camel Crisis

The fat gods have seriously let me down.
Let's face it - it's easier to blame them than it is to blame myself.
I'm at 227.6 (wah) today...a whole week has gone by with not only no weight loss but a .6 lb GAIN. This sucks  - HARD.
When I was swigging my beer and shoveling in that movie-style buttered popcorn last night with enough sodium to salt the entire length of 78 in the worst of blizzard conditions, what did I think was going to happen? My body has been infamously known to hold water better than any camel roaming the Sahara...I take slight solace in knowing I am probably hanging on to at least 2 lbs of water weight (if the puffy fingers and cankles I'm sporting this morning are any indication) so if I pee about a gazillion times today, it should all even itself out eventually. Bring on the coffee and let the urinating marathon begin!
Of course this water weight loss is all dependant on if I do well this weekend and stick to the plan....otherwise next week could be an even bigger disappointment. And I won't stand for that.
The thing is, this weekend is Memorial Day weekend....the official onset of summer. Oh, Lord help me.
I'm not going to freak out yet. This official start of bathing suit season isn't going to get the best of me. This minor weight gain, while disappointing,  is still manageable and I won't let it derail me. I've decided that in order to stay on track today instead of writing down everything I eat (as I eat it), I am going to write what I am going to eat before it ever enters the chewing zone. 
If it's not on the list - it doesn't come near sounds good -  at least in theory, right?
I think I can stick to it today. There are plenty of healthy options here in the house without me resorting back to busting open another bag of Orville's finest. I'll have bran cereal and yogurt for breakfast, which should fill me until about noon or so. Lunch is a Salmon Florentine Lean Cuisine and an Asian Pear and dinner is pork tenderloin on the grill and a salad. Throw in one of those pathetic 100 calorie packs of air puffed cookies in there somewhere to keep me from eating one of my dogs and I should be good to go.
I may even make some sugar free jello with grapes as a after dinner "treat"!
I know, I know - unless you're like 90 years old and have no teeth, since when the hell is jello ever a "treat"? Sad, isn't it?
Regarding the popcorn consumption last night, to my defense I do realize I was eating out of boredom - not because I absolutely HAD to have the popcorn.  Really it could have been anything that was edible that I could shove in my mouth with one hand. J wasn't home and I was chatting on the phone with my friend and the popcorn seemed like an easy chat and eat type of contrast to say, a salad??? Perhaps it was the necessary use of utensils that threw me off? And actually, the popcorn would have been fine had I portioned out a small bit and snacked on it. But I had to have the whole kit and kaboodle. I just kept eating and eating and eating those fluffy, buttery delicious little kernels until all I saw was the shiny greasy bottom of the bowl and my horrified reflection staring back at me....
My lips are still puckered from the vigorous salt onslaught (and rightfully so) and what's worse is I can't find my damn Chapstick. As much as I don't want to beat myself over the head about it, someone's got to do it! My biggest issue with this set back is knowing I would have never eaten that entire bag had J been here last night. More than likely I would have never even have thought to make it. The root of my problem is that I can't understand why, when I am by myself, I can't control what I eat???  Thank God he's coming home today or who knows what I might do to the bag of Nestle chocolate chips hiding out in the back of our cupboard. (The fact I know they are there is dangerous enough).
Not to mention -  yesterday's blog was all about making BETTER choices!!!!! Perhaps I wasn't paying much attention as I was typing? WTF? Seriously. Bad. Dieter.
Anyway, I can't change the fact that the Memorial Day weekend is upon us and in the past, it's notoriously involved copious amounts of beer drinking and bad food intake. This year will be much different and I am trying to view that in a positive light. The weather is supposed to be relatively decent so bike riding is definitely on the agenda as well as our morning walks with the dogs. I'm also hoping to persuade J to indulge me in a game of tennis and possibly take me to a driving range to practice hitting balls so I think I have the physical activity covered.
On the other hand, the mini fridge is bursting with Leinenkugles Summer Shandy (one of my fave beers of summer) and while I may indulge in one or two, I am going to be very conscientious of my intake and try to keep the alcohol consumption to a bare minimum. Maybe I'll have white wine instead (or go all "old lady" on myself and make it a spritzer) in order to minimize bloat (and calories - duh!). There has to be a compromise in there somewhere since I know I won't give up the alcohol for good.
For anyone who knows me, I'd rather live without pasta and potatoes the rest of my life before I'd go and do something crazy like give up my cocktails....
So, yes, the weight gain was a disappointing bummer but I can get over it. All that means is this week I have to kick some major ass in order to see results next Friday. I'm going to do my Prevention wedding workout DVD now and see if I can't sweat out some popcorn damage and start this weekend off right...
Come hell or high water weight gain.....

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